Copy-Trading allows you to mirror a target trader’s wallet by entering their address. Each copy-trading task can be fully customized through our settings to suit your specific needs.
📍 Before you start
✅ Ensure you set a Copy-Trading Default Wallet.
🕒 Please wait 30 seconds after each change for it to take effect.
📝 Changing your default wallet? Remember to remake your tasks to use the new wallet for future transactions.
👀 Tipping Suggestios
The higher the Bundle Tip (JITO), the lower the slippage should be. Conversely, the lower the Bundle Tip (JITO), the higher the slippage should be.
Without a JITO tip, the risk of getting MEV increases significantly.
Blacklist Info
Adding an address to the blacklist applies across all your copy-trading configurations. This prevents any trades involving those addresses, regardless of the target wallet.
✏️ Interactive Tutorial
Access the copy-tading menu directly by using the /copy
command or from the /start
✏️ Setup
🔴: The copy-trading profile is inactive.
🟢: The copy-trading profile is active.
🆕 Add new config
Add a new wallet for copy-trading.
Please enter your desired target address:
⏹️ Pause All
Pause all active 🟢 copy-traded wallets.
▶️ Start All
Start copy-trading with all active 🟢 wallets.
⬅️ Back
Return to the previous page.
🗑️ Close
Close the current menu.
🆕 Add new config
After clicking 🆕 Add new config
, you’ll be requird to enter:
Target address you'd like to copy-trade:
Please enter your desired target address:
Desired config name:
Please choose a name for this config:
Once you’ve entered the details above, you’ll be prompted to the config menu.
Switch wallet to copy-trade with.
🔎 Config Name
Create a new copy-trading profile.
Please choose a name for this config:
🔑 Target Wallet
Set the wallet you wish to copy-trade.
🧮 Max Traded Token
Set the maximum number of coins the bot will purchase according to your current configuration.
Please enter your desired amount:
🔴🟢 First Interaction
🟢: If active, it will trigger trades only when the trader you’re copy-trading interacts with the token for the first time 🔴: If inactive, the bot will not consider whether the trader has previously interacted with the token or not.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
Bot Processor
Select the bot for receiving copy-trading notifications.
🇩🇪 • 🇳🇱 • 🇺🇸
🔴🟢 Multi Region
🟢: If active, the transaction is sent to all three supported regions simultaneously. • Mev Protect ON:
If Mev Protect is ON, nothing is lost on failed attempts. Enjoy risk-free retries! 🔄
• Mev Protect OFF: On failed attempts, the buy fee is lost (no tip is lost)
For example, if you have 1 success and 2 fails, you'll lose the buy fee on the 2 failed attempts 🔴: If inactive, the transaction will only be sent to the selected bot’s region.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
💡 Platforms
Select the platforms for copy-trading the target wallet (Pump.fun, Moonshot, All). Activate 🟢 or deactivate 🔴 them by clicking the buttons.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
Max Buy
Set the maximum amount you’re willing to buy, regardless of the amount purchased by the target wallet. Max Buy applies to each transaction.
Please enter your desired max buy amount in SOL:
🔎 Min Trigger
Set the minimum SOL amount purchased by the target wallet required for your transaction to be executed.
Please enter your desired min trigger buy amount in SOL:
🔎 Max Trigger
Set the maximum SOL amount purchased by the target wallet required for your transaction to be executed.
Please enter your desired min trigger buy amount in SOL:
🔎 Min MCap
Set the minimum market cap you are willing to buy at.
Please enter your desired market cap (eg: 12M / 1K / 10000):
🔎 Max MCap
Set the maximum market cap you are willing to buy at.
Please enter your desired market cap (eg: 12M / 1K / 10000):
🔎 Min Token Age
• Set the minimum amount of time passed since the token was created. • For Pump.fun migrated coins, the time is calculated from the moment they bonded.
🔎 Min Token Age
• Set the maximum amount of time passed since the token was created. • For Pump.fun migrated coins, the time is calculated from the moment they bonded.
🔴🟢 Follow Sell
Choose whether to sell when the target wallet sells.
When enabled, the bot will mirror the selling percentage of the trader - for example, if they sell 50% of their position, the bot will also sell 50% of your position
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
🔴🟢 Buy Only Once
Buy the coin only once, even if the target wallet makes multiple purchases. If you’re using multiple wallets, ensure it’s turned ON for each one.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
🔴🟢 Buy Exact
Buy the same SOL amount as the target wallet.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
🔴🟢 Buy % Buy Amount
Buy a percentage of the amount the target wallet buys. You can set it above 100% to purchase more than the target wallet (eg. 130% buys an additional 30% of the amount purchased by the target wallet).
Buy Amount: Set it to the desired percentage to turn it on
🔴🟢 Buy Fixed
Buy a fixed SOL amount, regardless of the target wallet’s amount.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
Buy Fee
Set the transaction fee for buying.
Please enter your desired amount:
Sell Fee
Set the transaction fee for selling.
Please enter your desired amount:
Buy Slippage
Set the buy slippage percentage.
Please enter your desired amount:
Sell Slippage
Set the sell slippage percentage.
Please enter your desired amount:
🔴🟢 Mev Protect
The fastest processor is automatically used to ensure maximum transaction success, whether MEV Protection is ON or OFF.
🟢: MEV Protection ON
🔴: MEV Protection OFF ❓ FAQs
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
🔴🟢 Auto Tip
If turned on, it automatically selects the Jito-suggested tip, ranging from 0.015 to 0.15.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
💰 Buy Tip
Set the target buy tip fee to prioritize the inclusion of your transaction in the next block.
Please enter your desired amount:
💰 Sell Tip
Set the target sell tip fee to prioritize the inclusion of your transaction in the next block.
Please enter your desired amount:
🙅♂️ Blacklist
Exclude specific addresses from copy-trading.
🔴🟢 Active
🟢: Activate config. 🔴: Deactivate config.
🟢: Active
🔴: Inactive
🗑️ Delete Config
Delete the current config.
⬅️ Back
Return to the previous page.
Last updated